Family Life Association for Ministry and EducationFamily Counseling Ministries
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Click for Welcome and Purpose Statement

Ministry Information

By Dr. Don Dunlap
Pastoral Counselor
Helping individuals and families to stand firmly on God's Word.

Family Counseling Ministries -


Welcome to a site of helpful articles, counseling research, answers to questions, personal encouragement and inspiration for living a successful, joy-filled, and purposeful life!

Family Counseling Ministries Welcomes You!

Purpose Statement


The ministry

Family Counseling Ministries

exists to glorify God

To exalt and honor God, to call attention to God’s glory and attract people to trust, praise, serve, and worship Him.

and strengthen

To enable and empower, to make stronger, to improve, to make better, to build up, to make more fruitful and productive, to overcome weaknesses and hindrances, to promote renewal and restoration to health, to facilitate growth and development.

the Christian church

The universal church comprised of all believers and the institutional, local churches from denominational and unaffiliated backgrounds.

by providing

Supplying and making certain services available.


Our staff and our ministries are conscientiously, unashamedly, and purposefully Christ-centered.


Distinctively biblical, compassionate, and professionally qualified help is provided for people with individual, marriage, and family problems.

and Counselor Training, Christian Living courses  and seminars conducted to equip God’s people to  meet the counseling-related needs of the church in a thoroughly biblical way.

Other courses and seminars on various aspects of Christian living are offered for people who want to find the strength, wisdom, and resources to solve personal or family problems.

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